# 216:

Don’t wait for the dream.
Be the dream.

~ Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved

Holding On

What can we hold onto?
When everything changes,
When everything passes,
When the years recreate who we are,
Sometimes lifting us,
Sometimes tearing us apart.

O love,
The clichéd word so easily pronounced,
The greeting card verse
Spoken without feeling,
O love,
If kept alive and breathing . . .

There is so much to love in this world.
Even when you are old and confined
You can love a memory.
Even when memories fall away
You can love an idea.
Even when cognition falters,
When fear invades,
When the dark idea of godless death threatens,

Hold onto love,
However untranslatable it may seem.
Love will persist.
You will be saved.

~ by Russ Allison Loar
~ Photo by Sharon Pruitt ~ Pink Sherbet Photography
© All Rights Reserved

# 133:

When there are no rules
it’s hard to rule anything out.

~ Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved

In A Perfect World

I n a perfect world
there would be no need for emulsification.

~ by Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved

# 260:

One of the sadist words I know: Was.

~ Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved

Youth Has An Expiration Date

It is somewhat amusing to older folks to hear pop song lyrics and see pop song videos in which handsome young men worship at the altar of beautiful young women. Oh those words of eternal passion, pledged by the young. How quickly terms and conditions come into play as familiarity grows, as obligations mount, as the marriage ties that bind, bind.

And what of the aging process, that chronological decay of flesh that robs us all of youth’s bounty? Can you visualize a wrinkled old man and woman in a pop song video, singing:

Almost paradise
We're knockin' on heaven's door
Almost paradise
How could we ask for more?
I swear that I can see forever in your eyes

Herman, Marjorie & Bess Allison ~ Redondo Beach, California 1917

No, me either. Youth passes, passion passes and we move on. Yet I remember spending the night at my grandparents’ house many years ago when they were in their seventies. I woke up early the next morning and peeked into their bedroom to see if they were still sleeping. I just happened to see them waking up. My old, wrinkled grandfather gave my old, wrinkled grandmother a kiss and said “Good morning.”

Almost paradise.

*From the song “Almost Paradise” written by Eric Carmen and Dean Pitchford

~ by Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved

# 132:

When everything is permitted,
everything is committed.

~ Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved

Leaving Home

It's not the holding of his hand,
but the pulling of his arm that makes a boy leave home.

~ Words and photograph by Russ Allison Loar
© All Rights Reserved